Developing a Collective Approach to Mixed Use Development in Transit Oriented Development Precincts

This research project aims to review the South African experience in planning and implementing transit-oriented developments (TODs), and understand the dynamics between the key role players in order to propose a collective approach to creating quality TOD precincts.


The objective of the project is to develop a practical, operational guideline drawing on TOD development over that past decade that will provide a framework for government and the private sector stakeholders to implement a collective planning and implementation response to the creation of TODs in South Africa. The guideline will inform the institutional arrangements and interactions between the public and private sector in relation to realising TOD precincts of high quality. Financial mechanisms and incentives required to realise a collective approach are alluded to in the report but do not form the focus of the study


TOD is a type of development which is focused around a public transport station or interchange and is characterised by a mixture of land uses (dwellings, workplaces, facilities, shops and services) and an accessible, walkable public environment. The role players in TOD development include different spheres of government (mostly local government), the private sector (e.g. landowners, developers, business owners and relevant built environment professionals), public transport operators and the public. All role-players contribute to the development of TOD precincts and the realisation of a particular urban form by informing development decisions and processes and in the use of the space.