Modelling Energy Efficiency Potential in Municipal Operations of the SACN Member Cities
This is a summary report of the study commissioned by the South African Cities Network (SACN) to establish the energy savings potential that can be realised from energy efficiency (EE) interventions in municipal facilities and operations in its nine member cities. South African municipalities can promote EE in their jurisdictions by developing and implementing projects to improve the energy efficiency of municipal facilities and operations. They will thereby lead by example, motivate the private sector and other stakeholders to follow suit, and achieve cost savings by improving the energy efficiency of their facilities and day-to-day operations.
Estimating energy savings potential is a complex exercise as it has to be based on energy end use applications. In this study, the modelling of EE potential is based on energy consumption baseline data across selected sectors within the SACN members. The modelled sectors include the following: electricity consumption by street & traffic lighting; municipal buildings; bulk water and wastewater treatment plants; as well as fuel consumption by municipal vehicle fleets.