Transport Users: The Lived Experience
The purpose of the research project is to bring the voice of the commuter to the fore of transport discourse, to gain insight of what it means to be a transport user and for the information to feed into a measurable data set. Furthermore, the research aims to introduce member cities to maximising their opportunities and improving strategy formation for transport. In future the information can be captured through different modes such as an online survey, dairy entry as the primary method or transit apps informed by commuter experiences.
The National Household Travel Survey (2013) argues for concentration to be focused on the cost of transport, availability of public transport and poor condition of roads. The statistical study aims to contribute to policy formation. However in advocating for the above, there are gaps that remain, minimal attention has been given to the contribution that commuters can make in transport transformation. This can be achieved in understanding the user’s experience of transport (motorised and non-motorised), which is a crucial component in improving transport systems/landscape.
Member cities can learn from data collected from user experiences. Information (user experience) informed by commuters can better inform strategic direction and maximise opportunities. Such as improving the commuter experience through making commuting seamless for the commuter, public transport mapping (hot spots), infrastructure upgrades amongst other things. It is vital to note that transport is an integral part of South Africans lives, thus making commuter experience a crucial component to investigate.