State of City Finances Report 2011

This report continues the series of publications produced by the South African Cities Network (SACN) publications on the financial position and performance of city governments. This report reviews and updates many of the major themes
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The Financing of City Services in Southern Africa

A follow-up of a previous report published by the SACN in 2008, this publication examines the challenge of financing infrastructure in the Southern African region. Infrastructure investment in Southern Africa and the rest of the continent
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A response to the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill

This document represents a response by the South African Cities Network (SACN) to the Draft Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill, published on 6 May 2011. The SACN is currently involved in a comprehensive study into the practice
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Training for Township Renewal Initiative 2011

The Training for Township Renewal Initiative (TTRI) is a joint project of the National Treasury, the Department of Provincial and Local Government and the South African Cities Network. The project has received assistance from the FinMark
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Housing Subsidy Assets: Exploring the Performance of Government Subsidised Housing in South Africa

FinMark Trust has appointed Shisaka Development Management Services to undertake research into the extent to which the housing subsidy programme has translated into a housing asset benefit for beneficiary households. FinMark seeks to
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Taking Stock: The Development of Retail Centres in Emerging Economy Areas

This report looks at the development of retail centres in emerging economy areas and the impact on local consumers, local businesses and the local
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Provincial Land Use Legislative Reform (Provincial Reports)

This report aims to provide an understanding of the current land use management and spatial planning status quo in across the nine provinces of South Africa, with the objective of contributing to the development of a more appropriate
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Green Economy Summit Report

The Green Economy Summit was convened from 18 to 20 May 2010 under the overarching theme: “Towards a resource efficient, low carbon and pro-employment growth path.” The summit, made up of a broad multi-stakeholder base, broadly
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Expanded Public Works Programme: Progress Report

The SACN EPWP programme and associated reference group was established in collaboration with the Department of Public Works after a study that was conducted, to assess the potential of the nine cities in the network to contribute to the
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National Urban Development Framework

The purpose of this draft national urban development framework (NUDF) is to provide a common nation-wide view on how to strengthen the capacity of South Africa’s towns, cities and city-regions to realise their potential to support
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Securing Municipal Finance in Southern Africa

This publication is based on presentations made during a workshop on Sustainable Municipal Finance in Southern Africa. The meeting, sponsored by the SACN with the support of the World Bank Institute and the Public Private Infrastructure
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Framework to Assess the Legacy Impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on Development of South African Cities

This project book is a narrative Phase 2 of the Legacy Project – Framework to Assess the Legacy Impact of the 2010 FIFATM World Cup (2010 FWC) on Development of South African cities. Its purpose is to explain the stages and the processes
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Sustainable Cities 2009

This edition of the Sustainable Cities Report provides an overview and analysis of sustainable city learning outputs produced by SACN and its partners during 2009. The priority themes included renewable energy and waste-to-energy
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Inclusive Cities 2009

This 2nd edition of SACN’s Inclusive Cities Report highlights the range of urban development and management challenges that must be faced in creating truly inclusive cities that provide socio-economic opportunities and an improved
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Well-Governed Cities 2009

This is the first edition of the Well-governed Cities Annual Report. It is a collection of articles and analysis on issues of governance in South African cities, designed to provoke dialogue and discussion, and inspire cities towards good
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